Many historians argue Hitler was always determined to DESTROY Versailles & the League, and that ∴ war was inevitable = 'Hitler's War'.
1. To abolish the Treaty of Versailles
Germans hated it, esp:
• Tiny armed forces
• Saar under League control
• Rhineland demilitarised
• Anschluss w. Austria forbidden
• Germans forced to live in Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) & Poland
• Danzig under League control
∴ Treaty = constant reminder of WWI HUMILIATION (Hitler: “a shame & disgrace ... an unprecedented PLUNDERING of our People”).
He ≠ accept that Ger army lost WWI & was determined to overturn Versailles & restore Ger greatness.
2. To expand German territory
Ger pop growing. (Hitler: Ger needed more LEBENSRAUM (‘living space’) → to be taken by conquest in E Europe.)
Connected to belief in ARYAN superiority (Hitler: Aryans destined to rule; SLAVS (Poles, Russians) to be their slaves.)
3. To defeat Communism
Nazis = Fascists (= opposite of Communists).
Hitler blamed Communists for Ger defeat in WWI & FEARED they aimed to take over Ger.
Determined to destroy Communism → war w. RUSSIA.