1. Today, 'appeasement' = 'giving in to a bully', but in 1930s it meant ''. Chamberlain saw ‘collective security’ had → tried to negotiate peace w. Hitler.
Reasons for Appeasement
2. Historians have suggested , Hitler duped Chamberlain, a noble attempt to prevent bloodshed, “ your friends”.
3. 5 key reasons:
a. Some Brits approved Hitler’s policies.
b. Strong Ger = barrier vs Russia.
c. Many felt Europe’s problems ≠ Britain’s concern.
(eg Chamberlain: “ could possibly save Czechoslovakia”).
d. Many wanted peace.
e. Many agreed Treaty of was unfair.
Opinions on Appeasement
4. Historians argue appeasement:
a. Let Hitler grow stronger.
b. Humiliated Britain – lost
the trust of C Europe.
c. Abandoned millions to Nazis.
d. Wouldn’t have stopped Hitler – he wanted war.
e. Encouraged Hitler → caused WWII.
f. Gave Britain – had tried for peace.
g. Gave Britain time to .
h. Was a genuine attempt to prevent mass deaths in war.
5. Some opposed appeasement:
a. Churchill: “a total ” + warned “this is only the beginning”.
b. Cartoonist Low – Hitler goose-stepping over ‘ leaders of democracy’.
c. Most at time (incl. Daily Express) supported Chamberlain: “Your children are ”.
Appeasement in the 1930s
1. Today, 'appeasement' = 'giving in to a bully', but in 1930s it meant 'NEGOTIATION'. Chamberlain saw ‘collective security’ had FAILED → tried to negotiate peace w. Hitler.
Reasons for Appeasement
2. Historians have suggested COWARDICE, Hitler duped Chamberlain, a noble attempt to prevent bloodshed, “SELLING OFF your friends”.
3. 5 key reasons:
a. Some Brits approved Hitler’s policies.
b. Strong Ger = barrier vs COMMUNIST Russia.
c. Many felt Europe’s problems ≠ Britain’s concern.
(eg Chamberlain: “NOTHING WE COULD DO could possibly save Czechoslovakia”).
d. Many wanted peace.
e. Many agreed Treaty of VERSAILLES was unfair.
Opinions on Appeasement
4. Historians argue appeasement:
a. Let Hitler grow stronger.
b. Humiliated Britain – lost
the trust of C Europe.
c. Abandoned millions to Nazis.
d. Wouldn’t have stopped Hitler – he wanted war.
e. Encouraged Hitler → caused WWII.
f. Gave Britain MORAL HIGH GROUND – had tried for peace.
g. Gave Britain time to RE-ARM.
h. Was a genuine attempt to prevent mass deaths in war.
5. Some opposed appeasement:
a. Churchill: “a total DEFEAT” + warned “this is only the beginning”.
b. Cartoonist Low – Hitler goose-stepping over ‘SPINELESS leaders of democracy’.
c. Most at time (incl. Daily Express) supported Chamberlain: “Your children are SAFE”.