What was the name of Germany’s
ruler, 1888-1918?
What was the title of Germany’s
national anthem and what does it mean?
- Deutschland über Alles – Germany above
What is Nationalism?
- The strong belief that your country is better
than others
What was Panslavism?
- The nationalism of the Slav peoples of the
What happened at the Treaty of San
Stefano in 1878?
- Serbia became an independent country
What did Kaiser Wilhelm say in
1901 that he wanted for Germany?
What is imperialism
- The desire to build an empire.
How much of the globe did the
British Empire cover in 1900
- One fifth of the land surface; it was the empire
‘on which the sun never set’.
What was Britain’s ambition in
- An empire ‘from Cairo to Cape Town’.
Where and when did French and
British colonial ambitions clash
- At Fashoda in the Sudan, 1989.
What is militarism
- The control of government by military aims, and
the desire to build up a strong military power.
How big was the German army in
How many men (including
reservists) could Germany call up if there was a war
How many warships did Great
Britain have in 1914
Whose army was growing fastest
- Russia – 1.2 million men in 1914
Why did politicians try to build
up huge armed forces and military alliances
- To preserve the ‘Balance of Power’ – which they
thought kept the peace.
Who was the German Army Chief
of Staff in 1914?
What did the Moltke believe about
war, and why
- He said: ‘I believe war is unavoidable; war the
sooner the better’. This was because, although Germany had the biggest and
best army in the world, the Germans believed that Russia’s army was catching
up quickly.
What was the Dual Alliance
- Germany and Austria, 1879
What was the Triple Alliance
- Germany, Austria and Italy, 1882.
What was the Triple Entente
- A ‘friendly relationship’ of France and Britain,
1904 (joined by Russia in 1907)
Which country did Britain make a
naval agreement with and why
- Japan, 1902 – so Britain did not need to worry
so much about her naval power in the Pacific.
Who was the ‘sick man of Europe’
Who was Otto von Bismarck
- He had been the shrewd Chancellor of Germany,
but Wilhelm sacked him in 1890 – after which Wilhelm controlled foreign
affairs much less carefully.
When had Italy become a united
Who dominated the Russian Tsar
Nicholas II until 1916
- Rasputin, the ‘mad monk’.
Which country had defeated Russia
in a war
What had happened to France in
- France had gone to war to try to stop Germany
becoming a united country, but had been easily defeated by the Germans (in
10 weeks).
Name two nationalist French
politicians who hated Germany for France’s defeat in 1870.
What did Britain’s foreign policy
advocate, and what does this mean
- ‘Splendid isolation’ – keeping out of European
Which British war did Kaiser
Wilhelm criticise
What did the German Navy Law of
1900 say
- Germany started to build up a navy to rival
What did people mean by ‘We want 8
and we won’t wait’
- In 1906, the British people – fearing the growth
of Germany’s navy – demanded that the government build 8 of the new
‘Dreadnought’ super-warships.
What provoked the First Moroccan
- In 1906, Kaiser Wilhelm went to Morocco and
guaranteed its independence (France had been hoping to take it over).
How was the first Moroccan Crisis
- A Conference was held at Algeciras where
Britain, France and Russia forced Wilhelm to back down.
Who was ‘mad, mad, mad as March
- This was what Kaiser Wilhelm said about the
British people in an interview with the Daily Telegraph in 1908.
He was
saying he supported them, but his words made the British people hate him.
What does the word ‘annex’ mean,
and who annexed who in 1908
- ‘Annex’ means to take over the government of a
state, and Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia from Turkey in 1908.
What provoked the Second Moroccan
- In 1911, the Kaiser sent the German gunboat
Panther into Agadir harbour, in Morocco.
How was the Second Moroccan crisis
- Britain and France forced Germany to back down.
What was the Balkan League
- The alliance of Balkan states (Serbia, Greece
and Bulgaria) which in 1912 went to war with Turkey and drove Turkey out of
Europe (First Balkan War, 1912) – then they promptly started fighting
amongst themselves (Second Balkan War, 1913)
How was the Second Balkan War
- Germany and Britain united and used their
influence to forced them to stop fighting (Treaty of Bucharest, 1913)
When was Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Name the six assassins who were
waiting for Franz Ferdinand along the Appel Quay. Who actually tried to kill
- Mehmedbasic, Cubrilovic,
Nedeljko Cabrinovic (threw a bomb), Popovic, Gavrilo Princip (shot him),
What was the name of the Serbian
terrorist group
- Union or Death (nicknamed the
`Black Hand')
What was the
name of the Austrian governor of Sarajevo?
What was the
‘polyglot empire’?
- Austria-Hungary – an empire
with many different languages.
Who was General Hotzendorff and
why was he important
- The Austrian Army Chief-of-Staff – he saw the
assassination as a chance to ‘get’ Serbia.
What was the ‘blank cheque’
- The promise, given by Germany to Austria on 5
July 1914, that Germany would support Austria whatever she did.
What is an Ultimatum
- A list of demands, with a threat of war if they
are not met.
When was the Austrian ultimatum to
Which point of Austria’s ultimatum
did Serbia reject and why
- Point 6 – the demand to send Austrian police
into Serbia – because it was against the Serbian constitution.
What did Tsar Nicholas II think of
the Austrian declaration of war
- He said: ‘An unjust war has been declared on a
weak country’.
Why was it significant that
Nicholas ordered a ‘general mobilisation’
- At first, Nicholas wanted a partial mobilisation
(just against Austria), but he was told this was impossible, so he had to
order a general mobilisation (against Austria and Germany) – he sent a
telegram to Wilhelm assuring him that the mobilisation was not against
What was the name of Germany’s
military plan and why
- The Schlieffen Plan, because it was written by
the German Army Chief of Staff Alfred von Schlieffen.
Why was the Schlieffen Plan going
wrong in August 1914
- Because it relied on defeated France before
Russia was ready for war; instead Russia was mobilising and France wasn’t
yet at war with Germany.
What did Bethmann-Hollweg ask
Moltke and what was the reply
- ‘Is the Fatherland in danger?’ Moltke replied:
Why did Germany declare war on
- The Germans claimed that French planes had
bombed Nuremberg.
Why did Britain declare war on
- Because German troops invaded Belgium – Britain
was obliged to defend Belgium by a treaty of 1839.
What did Bethmann-Hollweg call the
Anglo-Belgian treaty of 1839
- He said: ‘For a scrap of paper, Great Britain is
going to make war?’
When did Britain declare war on
- 11pm (midnight in Germany) of 4 August 1914.